High-security wallet with swapping capabilities

Keeper Wallet is your entry point to the Waves blockchain and Waves-powered web services.
Get Keeper

High-security wallet with extra capabilities

Why choose Keeper Wallet?

Quick Entry to the Ecosystem

Scan the QR code with a camera for authentication and your wallet is connected. This basic action opens up limitless opportunities on the Waves blockchain and potentially on any other chain supporting Keeper accounts.

Absolute security

Seed phrases and private keys are encrypted by the AES algorithm and stored on your device locally. Any operation requires access both to your account and device. This means that no one can mess with your funds without either of those.

Total asset control

Transfer crypto or NTFs instantly, review every bit of relevant info including transaction history, and arrange your assets however you like. The integration with Swop.fi and Puzzle Swap allows for direct token exchange, which makes Keeper Wallet the only tool you will ever need.

Easy to use

Confirming transactions is as simple as clicking a button, no need to copy and paste sensitive information. Additionally, you can easily switch between multiple wallets and create backups to enable or restore access on any device.

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